

Country/Region: Taiwan
Booth No.: 568
Business Nature: Manufacturer

Lely Discovery 120

Product Model:Lely Discovery 120

Product introduction

Instead of pushing the manure forward, the robot uses a vacuum pump to suck the cow's manure into a trough.
The automated manure suction robot travels from the charging station. Clean schedules and routes can be easily adapted to the daily rhythm of the farm and the cows.
Cell phone control The robot can be operated using an app on your mobile phone.
The LelyControlapp is connected via Bluetooth wireless connection, so every smartphone on the farm can be used for control.

Product Spec

Weight 390 kg
Battery 12 volts/ 55 amps
Length 141cm Speed 10-20cm/s
Width 118.8cm Gradient < 3
Height 60.6cm Operating dB < 70 dB

Product catalog


Smart livestock farming、Environmental Control system、Dairy Farming Equipment、Wastewater treatment

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